"An Island on a Continent"

"The greatest crime that can be committed against this continent today is neocolonialism, the attempt to establish capitalism in the peoples of Africa." Fidel Castro

In Gambia they call on the US to exclude Cuba from the list of countries that sponsor terrorism

Banjul, June 14. – The president of the Gambia-Cuba Parliamentary Friendship Group, Madi M. K. Ceesay, today urged the United States to immediately consider removing the Caribbean island from the unjust list of state sponsors of terrorism.

In a message sent to the Cuban Embassy in Banjul, the head of the aforementioned friendship group in the National Assembly of this West African nation emphasizes that Washington must also end the blockade that maintains the largest of the Antilles.

In his text, Madi expresses that the largest Caribbean archipelago contributes to the economic and health development of The Gambia, so he is surprised that it is included in a false relationship.

In that sense, the deputy strongly requests that the United States remove Cuba from the spurious list of terrorist countries, in addition to eliminating the blockade, so that the island continues with its significant contribution to world development.

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