"An Island on a Continent"

"The greatest crime that can be committed against this continent today is neocolonialism, the attempt to establish capitalism in the peoples of Africa." Fidel Castro

Statement by the Cuban Medical Brigade in The Gambia against the US’s spurious list

The collaborators of the Cuban Medical Mission in The Gambia repudiate the vindictive decision to keep Cuba on the vile list of state sponsors of terrorism. No government can claim that prerogative, much less the US.

The people of the world that, always attacked and threatened with all reason and morality, can include Washington as the main state terrorist against anyone who does not share its interests, the first usurper of territories, plunderer of natural wealth, exterminator of its native peoples, exploiter and murderer of Afro-descendants, leader of xenophobia, racism and above all the first on the list of regimes without ethics, without principles, where only money and selfishness count.

If the people of the world made their list, without a doubt, they would place Cuba in first place in the world for solidarity and in the place of honor in saving human lives.

Cuba is that small island that dealt the final blow to colonialism and apartheid in Africa; the country that has trained thousands of poor young people from all over the world, the one that always tells the truth and has respected all human rights and in particular, the first in America to defeat, on the sacred sands of Playa Girón, the mercenary army of the United States, made up of exploiters and murderers who sell their country. Know, imperialist gentlemen, that this first defeat will not be the last if you continue in your aggressive and mendacious policy. That’s how we don’t understand each other!

Faithful to the revolution of workers and peasants, as part of our people, inspired by the ideas of Fidel, Raúl, Martí, Mella, José Antonio and many others, they align themselves with all the people so that the neighboring north, brutal and scrambled.

Long live the Cuban Revolution!

Long live Fidel!

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